Links from each lecture
Links for lecture 01
lecture01: Introduction and brief history of telecoms
lecture02: Brief Computer Network History
lecture03: Internet Design Principles
lecture04: Network Optimization: Goals and Constraints
lecture05: Optimization Introduction
lecture06: Routing: Intra-Domain (as a kind of optimization, Dijkstra)
lecture07: Intra-Domain Routing (Floyd-Warshall, and implementation)
lecture08: Convex Optimization (and intra-domain routing)
lecture09: The Network Design Problem intro
lecture10: concave costs and related issues
lecture11: multicommodity flow problems and Minoux's greedy method
lecture12: budget constraint model and branch and bound
lecture13: branch and bound (cont)
lecture14: Randomized algorithms: simulated annealing
lecture15: Randomized algorithms: genetic algorithms
lecture16: tree-like networks
lecture17: Advanced tree-like network design
lecture18: Internet Implementation an Tree-like networks
lecture19: Inter-Domain Routing (policies)
lecture20: BGP
lecture21: Input data
lecture22: Network Design without complete information
lecture23: Revision
Matthew Roughan

Last modified: Thu Oct 27 11:32:47 2011